Create a Cohesive Portfolio Brand With Hotel Messaging

How hospitality texting can help build consistency across properties


When managing multiple properties in a portfolio and making sure everything is running smoothly at each and every one, it’s helpful to have tools to streamline the process. Technology like hospitality texting makes it easy to standardize service and make sure each and every guest has the best experience possible!

Creating a cohesive brand 

Whether a portfolio is all under one parent brand or a mix of brands, chances are that a management company wants to be known for stellar service across all locations. 

With features like welcome message templates, hotel teams can efficiently create touchpoints with guests right at the start of their experience. These templates, which normally include hotel amenity information and answers to common questions like the Wi-Fi password, can be standardized across properties to provide consistent information and service.

Using similar language and processes can help guests identify what they like about a property, and look forward to experiencing it at other properties in a portfolio.

Service quality 

One of the most important practices in hospitality is the recovery process—how hotels respond to less-than-ideal reviews, guest requests, or hiccups in operations.

With hotel texting services, hotel teams can compose similar messaging to use across properties in a portfolio. Studies show that quick responses and communicating via hospitality messaging with guests increases guest satisfaction and decreases the amount of negative reviews.

Maintaining the same recovery process across properties is simple with a hotel text messaging system—teams can search in the conversation archive for past responses to similar issues, take more time to compose their responses to guests, or create a standard response for common bumps in the road.


Part of managing a hotel portfolio is, well, managing. With top hotel text messaging systems, those at the corporate level can keep an eye on happenings all the way down to the front desk agent level.

Response times, activity, and actual responses to guest requests—at any level in the organization—can be viewed to make sure operations are flowing smoothly. If not, coaching can be provided to certain teams to ensure top service.

This can also help with onboarding new team members. By viewing past conversations, those newer to the team can find answers to common questions and provide a similar level of service to their superiors.

Direct booking 

Communicating with guests via hotel messaging can also provide a channel for marketing and information regarding other properties in a portfolio.

Properties using top hospitality guest messaging solutions can even use hotel texting for direct bookings—guests who save the property number can text with the front desk directly to book a return stay, a popular occurrence with business professionals or contracted workers.

These are just a few of the ways that hospitality messaging helps maintain a consistent level of service across a hospitality portfolio. Learn more about hotel texting or schedule a conversation with our team today!

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