10 Ways To Wow Newlyweds at Your Hotel



July 15, 2024

We’ve all encountered either first or second-hand the stress of a wedding. From the overbearing family member to unexpected rain showers, it’s quite normal for the bride and groom to look forward to the moment after they say I do. So whether they are having the wedding at your hotel or spending their honeymoon there, there’s nothing newlyweds appreciate more than a smooth experience at their hotel. Here are ten ways you’ll be sure to wow the couple and help get their marriage started on the right foot.

1. Leave the Couple a Congratulatory Note

A simple congratulatory note is an easy way to make the couple feel special. Why not go above and beyond and leave them a handwritten note in the suite offering your best wishes? It will be a sweet memento of their first night together as a married couple.  

2. Make Communication Easy

Text messaging can be a huge help in terms of organization on the big day. If the couple is using your hotel as a venue for the event, you can use text messaging to keep the wedding party on schedule or stay in communication with the wedding planner. The bride and groom will likely be pulled in many directions the day of, so text messaging can help everyone stay on track and leave the couple feeling less stressed. Plus, it offers the parents of the couple a convenient (not to mention succinct and quiet) way to voice their questions and concerns to the team.

3. Streamline Guest Questions

The bride and groom will undoubtedly have guests staying at the hotel from out of town who don’t know much about the area. Not only are they unfamiliar with the area, but they will often have hours on their hands with little planning (unlike vacationers or business travelers). Avoid an unnecessary line at the front desk or the concierge and give the happy couple a respite from event planning. Consider sending guests a message with local recommendations, so they have it at their fingertips. Having some recommendations of places to go or things to do in the area will keep guests happy and create a memorable experience beyond the wedding.

4. Use a Guest Messaging Outreach Feature

If you have a number of wedding guests staying at your hotel, you can use a messaging feature that is driven by tags and timing, independent of stay dates. The messages can be sent to all guests, or they can reach guests grouped by tags. The guest messaging outreach feature presents numerous advantageous opportunities for your hotel, and it is especially helpful if the wedding reception is taking place at your hotel. With outreach, hotels are able to send out a message to wedding guests where to park, where in the hotel the reception is taking place, and any extra information that is needed the day of the wedding.

5. Share It

Leverage the power of social media! Beautiful brides and glowing grooms make for great photo ops, so don’t hesitate to snap a photo of the couple and either add it to your story or even post it! Not only will the couple be ecstatic to be featured on a public account, but they will also likely share it with their followers, spreading the word of their wonderful experience at your hotel.

6. Anticipate Needs Before They Do

Weddings can take months or even years to plan. Between all the friends, family, parents, planners, venues, caterers, etc involved, there is bound to be something that most wedding parties miss in the process where you can step in and really shine. Think about the scenario made famous by Alanis Morissette - rain on your wedding day. If you have an outdoor venue, consider investing in branded umbrellas so the party isn’t rained out at the first sign of a light mist. When the sun starts to sink behind the clouds, make sure the attendees are equipped to stay dry. Not only that, but when the photos of the couple's perfect day show up on social media, your hotel's name will appear subtly in the background as the savior of the day!

7. Create the Perfect Ambiance in the Bridal Suite

Whether the suite is being used by the bride to get ready or it’s the bride and groom’s honeymoon suite, all effort should be put into making the room look and feel special. If the bridal party is taking photos there, be sure to make the room picturesque so that the couple can treasure their photos for years to come. If the room is being used as the honeymoon suite, make sure the atmosphere is romantic (think roses and mood lighting). You can also include special soaps and perfumes or scented candles to help the couple unwind and get into honeymoon mode.

8. Have Backups

In the same vein of anticipating needs, consider holding on to a few phone numbers of local caterers, flower shops, etc. Although you may not be able to save any disasters in these arenas on the day of the wedding, you may be able to help out should something go awry leading up to the big day. When a panicked soon-to-be-newlywed needs a recommendation to save the day, it can’t hurt to have a few favorites on file - and sending them to the bride or groom via guest messaging will ensure they don’t lose those important contacts.

9. Offer Access to Exclusive Amenities

Does your hotel offer a sauna, spa or a scenic poolside? Let the couple know that those things are available to them. Perhaps even consider adjusting the hours to accommodate the wedding plans. How much fun would it be for the couple and their party to come back after the rehearsal dinner and have an exclusive dip in the hotel pool?

10. Offer a Late Check Out Time

The newlyweds will very likely be celebrating late on the last night of their honeymoon. Consider offering them a later check out time. This will allow your guests to sleep in after a late night and won’t make them feel rushed. They will appreciate the gesture of accommodating their final honeymooning night of fun and you will leave them with a lasting impression. It may inspire them to return to your hotel each year to celebrate anniversaries and relive the wonderful memories they had staying with you!

Guest messaging even helps beyond the hectic planning of the big day - read how this DoubleTree by Hilton kept newlyweds happy on their honeymoon.

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