This award-winning property and its Front Desk Supervisor, Justin Della-Moretta, stands among the top 5% of all Comfort Inn Properties, passing some credit for that accolade onto Kipsu and the relationships they've built through digital communication. The Comfort Inn & Suites Hotel and Conference Center in Mount Pleasant, Michigan has been leveraging Kipsu for nearly a year, starting in December of 2017. Justin explained that they knew Kipsu was becoming a key contributor when they began proactively creating more guest relationships, rather than relying solely on guests initiating these opportunities.
Centrally located in Michigan, The Mount Pleasant team provides exceptional accommodations to neighboring Central Michigan University parents and guests, players from nearby Soaring Eagle Casino, as well as many area business travelers. With such a unique and diverse guest profile, Justin highlights service staff empowerment, active service discovery, and staff personability as the driving forces to their success.
“Kipsu plays a great role in allowing us to find issues guests may not want to bring to us at the front desk,” -Justin Della-Moretta, Front Desk Supervisor
Issue discovery is a crucial piece of the guest satisfaction puzzle. The Comfort Inn & Suites’ driving pursuit for excellence supports their ability to accommodate an expansive variety of travelers by doing just that, proactively discovering guest concerns before they leave the property. “Kipsu plays a great role in allowing us to find issues guests may not want to bring to us at the front desk,” he explained. Many guests avoid confrontation or feel worried their concerns are too petty to bring up to the team. Gone unreported, however, the concerns can fester and ultimately appear in satisfaction surveys or online reviews. This fear is alleviated by the service professionals onsite who are building relationships throughout the guests’ stay by way of Kipsu. With guests receiving welcome messages, relational capacity is built straight from check-in and promoted throughout the duration of their stay.
Curious to learn more about Kipsu and digital messaging? Connect with a member of our team to get all of your questions answered.