3 Tech Innovations Every IHG Property Needs


Hotel technology has never been more important in the industry, or growing as fast. In fact, when surveyed in 2020, half of global hospitality executives said that new technology to better serve customers and/or suppliers was a business priority.

But what technology is best for each hotel sector, and which ones work the best together? We went ahead and compiled three main platforms every IHG Hotels & Resorts property could benefit from.


One of the world’s leading maintenance and operations management systems, Quore helps hotels streamline the tracking of hospitality processes such as sanitization and housekeeping efforts. Whether it’s day-to-day operations to last-minute guest requests, this platform helps ensure hotels run smoothly and maintain brand and quality standards. 

A preferred vendor for IHG Hotels & Resorts, Quore has 5,000+ partners across 35+ countries and integrates with other useful platforms such as Kipsu. Helpful features include the ability to mark oneself on or off duty through the app, to avoid off-the-clock notifications; setting up preventative maintenance templates and schedules; and boosting a property’s Wi-Fi.


Staff safety is top of mind in the hospitality industry. Another IHG-approved vendor, TraknProtect is a location technology provider that allows hotels to use location data for their safety and operations processes. With the activation of a safety button, hotel employees can alert security personnel of their location in the case of an emergency. 

TraknProtect also offers real-time asset and vendor tracking capabilities, which helps hotel management make smarter inventory purchasing decisions and improve the management of outside vendors. This tool is especially helpful not only for ensuring the safety of employees, but for tracking inventory, room trays, and vendors.


Guest messaging has proven to improve satisfaction scores and overall guest experience, and Kipsu is the leading provider of hotel texting services. Named an IHG-preferred vendor earlier this year, Kipsu provides hospitality messaging through various digital channels including SMS, WhatsApp, social media, and live web chat. 

Texting for hotels has shown that guests are more likely to speak up over text, rather than over a phone call or in person. This allows hotels to capture guest requests and fix them before they make their way to a negative review. Hospitality guest messaging also helps hotel team efficiency by routing calls and front desk traffic to messaging, which is easier and faster to respond to. Plus, with guest messaging, hotels can reach guests where they’re at—on their phones.

All of these hotel technologies are useful in their own ways, and even work better together. The Kipsu + Quore integration is a wonderful example of seamlessly combining processes to better serve guests—hotel teams can submit requests and communicate the status to guests, all through one dashboard.

Learn more about IHG-preferred vendors or hospitality guest messaging today!

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