With 2018 well-underway, we wanted to take a moment to highlight the amazing strides Kipsu has taken this year. With more users, more messages, and more guests served than ever before, Kipsu had one very impressive year (if we do say so ourselves).
To start, a whopping 34,314,063 million text messages were exchanged through Kipsu in 2017 alone! And this is just from our hotels (Kipsu also works with shopping center, airports, transportation organizations, and more). This number is equal to an average of about 94,011 messages exchanged every day, 65.3 messages every minute, and 1.1 messages exchanged per second. In fact, just about 5 messages flew through the Kipsu system as you read this sentence! Kipsu is proud to be the market-leading platform for text communication in the hospitality industry and helping drive this unprecedented level of digital traffic.
Looking through a smaller lens, we’ve narrowed down the busiest day of text traffic in 2017 as September 2nd. A total of 145,104 messages were sent, outweighing the average per day message count by about 55%. Whether this uptick in traffic was due to last-minute travelers getting a final summer vacation in, parents visiting their children as they go off to college, or some other coincidental turn of events, it proved to be quite a busy day!
Within the 34M messages that were sent through Kipsu, there are a few topics that are seen most often: amenity requests, late checkout, and (of course) guest opinions. Luckily, Kipsu hotels appear to be providing excellent service and accommodations. The word “awesome” was used exactly 205,458 times, while the word “wonderful” was mentioned by an outstanding 807,819 times! Then again, maybe it isn’t just a coincidence that the word “Champagne” was used 24,261 times. That’s quite a lot of bubbly!
When it comes to superior guest service, hotels understand that providing a space for guests to give feedback is vital to satisfaction. Out of the guests that took advantage of this opportunity to review their hotel while still onsite, about 90% of the feedback was positive, leaving the hotels to manage the 10% of feedback that was cause for “areas of improvement.” Hospitality industry professionals realize that intercepting negative reviews while the guest is still onsite is crucial to service recovery and preventing guests from posting on online review sites like TripAdvisor to share their opinion. By giving guests this area of opportunity to voice concerns via SMS, hotels are able to manage guest’s experience with more control and opportunities to impress, instead of finding out their stay wasn’t up to par weeks later on TripAdvisor.
Kipsu also provided new opportunities for guest feedback this year via web chat! Looking at hotels alone, 137,224 of messages were sent via webchat in 2017, versus 57,072 of messages sent in 2016. Communication via Facebook Messenger skyrocketed in 2017 with 19,804 messages sent! By opening these additional channels of communication in addition to SMS, guests are able to reach properties in a multitude of ways before, during, and after their stay. Kipsu is proud to provide hotels with increased channels of communication in order to give staff and guests heightened transparency and raise satisfaction scores across the board!
Kipsu is looking forward to another groundbreaking year in 2018. With 21 countries served over four continents and counting, we are excited to expand the power of messaging around the globe and help hotels serve their guests with high-touch, personalized experience.
Want to read more about the power of messaging? See the meaningful impacts Kipsu has had on properties by checking our our case study!
Have any questions on how to text message guests at your property? Feel free to email us at hello@kipsu.com, we are happy to help!
Curious to learn more about Kipsu and digital messaging? Connect with a member of our team to get all of your questions answered.