10 Ways Hotels Can Make Guests Feel Welcome Upon Arrival

How do travelers feel at home at your property?


First impressions are even more important in hospitality—if a guest doesn’t feel welcome the minute they walk in, it may damper their whole stay.

Even the littlest touches can go a long way. From complimentary snacks to stellar guest service, there’s lots of small ways to make a hotel experience stand out.

1. Complimentary coffee

This one is a bit of a no-brainer, but if your guests are groggy upon arrival or just need a pick-me-up, this is a surefire way to brighten their day and know a hotel cares.

2. Recognition

If guests are returning to the hotel after an excursion, or they have stayed at the property before, make an effort to call them by name! This will make them feel special and maybe even remember your name, too.

3. Welcome phrases

Teams can get creative with this one, but make sure something kind is always being said to anyone walking through the front door. One that has proven to make a difference at Disney properties is, “Welcome Home.”

Leaving welcome notes or texts can also make guests feel special—explore our welcome message templates.

4. Smile!

Another obvious-seeming one, but research shows that guests are more satisfied when they receive service from smiling workers compared to neutral service workers. Give it a try — it may boost everyone’s morale, including the team!

5. Host events and provide recommendations

Hosting small get-togethers in common spaces like the bar or lobby is a great way to make guests feel special—and meet one another! If your space can’t accommodate this, consider providing recommendations on things to do in the area: restaurants, art fairs, or sightseeing spots.

6. Fireplace

While this one is more on the expensive side, fireplaces and mantels add a warm fuzzy feeling to any lobby. If that’s not possible, try flowers, homey decorations, or a seating area. 

7. Signature Treats

Everyone loves a signature touch—try out a fun baked good or special treat that guests can associate to your brand, similar to the DoubleTree chocolate chip cookie.

8. Clean lobby and clear directions on the property

This might seem like the bare minimum, but cleanliness really makes a difference when guests first arrive. Make them feel welcome and taken care of by ensuring the space is taken care of, too.

Plus, there’s nothing quite as embarrassing as wandering around a property, wondering where the bathroom or the pool is. Give guests a sigh of relief by providing clear signage and instructions on where all of the amenities are.

9. Send them a welcome message!

Let guests know that they can contact the front desk at any time with hospitality messaging. By texting them or sending them a message on digital channels, guests can not only feel prioritized, but another line of communication is created where requests, questions, and maybe even some humor can flow!

10. Treat guests like a friend

At the end of the day, we’re all human and want a little love and care. Remind guests that you’re human and treat them like neighbors or friends — it might make their experience one of the best yet.

Guest messaging solutions like Kipsu can make travelers feel welcome at the touch of a button — explore our hospitality texting service or schedule a conversation today. 

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